๐ Metriq
Open bounties:- $100 | Add a submission URL as either an arXiv or GitHub link
- $50 | Check URL validity for image and content URLs on submission
- $50 | Sorting child-tasks by upvotes
- $50 | Scirate โScite!โ counts for submission
- $50 | Publish updates via RSS
- $50 | Add option to display result plots on a log scale
- $50 | Log in prompts to homepage
The purpose of the metriq platform is to allow users to answer the following question:
How does quantum computing platform "X" running software stack "Y" perform on workload "Z", and how has that changed over time?
The goal of metriq is to become a focal point for present benchmarking efforts sprouting up in the quantum ecosystem.
Developers and companies can submit benchmarking results easily, via web form or Python client.
General issues we are looking for help with during unitaryHACK